Welcome to our advice and support page for people with learning disabilities.
How to make an appointment at the GP practice
Find us here:
St Bede’s Medical Centre
Lower Dundas Street, Sunderland,
Telephone us on:
0191 567 5335
Email us at:
Our Website is:
Our Opening Times:
If you need an appointment at the GP practice we are open:
Monday 7:45am to 6:00pm
Tuesday 7:45am to 6:00pm
Wednesday 7:45am to 6:00pm
Thursday 7:45am to 6:00pm
Friday 7:45am to 6:00pm
Please call NHS 111
Please call NHS 111
When you contact us please tell us if you need any extra help or support.
For example:
You have a carer who will attend appointments with you.
You need extra time to help you understand information. You need information in easy read.
To book an appointment at the surgery
You can come into the surgery and talk to our reception staff. Reception staff can book an appointment for you.
To book an appointment by phone
Our phone number is:
0191 567 5335
The best time to phone for an appointment is 9:00am
You may find it helpful to have paper and pen to write down your appointment date and time. You can ask someone to help if needed.
To book an appointment online:
Our website is: www.stbedegpsunderland.co.uk/
On the website you can request/book an appointment using Patient Access. To book an appointment through the website you need to register for online services, you can do this by bringing identification into the surgery and competing a form.
Once you are registered you book an appointment by logging in to Patient Access.
Patient Access
Your Appointment
We have different ways the GP can speak to you. The GP may phone you to check what the problem is and if you need to come to the surgery.
The GP may speak to you on a video call.
The GP may speak to you at the surgery
If you need help to book an appointment, please ask a friend or carer